How To Fix a Squeaky Bed Frame

Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night? Maybe you’re an active sleeper and tend to shift often during those times when you finally get that well-deserved shut-eye.
If this is the case, your bed frame may be prone to making a ton of noise. That noise can be quite irritating when you’re trying to get to sleep or stay asleep. There could be a long list of reasons why your bed frame is so vocal all of a sudden, but with these easy-to-follow tips, your bed frame should be good as new in no time.
Why Does a Bed Frame Make Noise?
When you first purchased your bed frame, you most likely were not dealing with any sort of excessive noise while you were sleeping. So why has it suddenly begun to make so much noise?
This noise could be due to a number of factors, but more likely than not, the bed frame is beginning to feel the effects of general wear and tear. The noisiness does not mean that you have purchased a low-quality bed frame; it merely needs a bit of maintenance!
More specifically, the cause of all this noise is, more often than not, due to friction between certain parts of the bed frame. For instance, your box spring’s edges could be rubbing against the edges of the bed frame.
Another cause could be certain aspects of the bed frame have come loose over the years, such as the parts of the frame that ensure the body of the object stays together, or they could have been constructed improperly.
Whatever the cause, read on to learn about some tips that will ensure your bed frame is as quiet as possible.
How To Stop a Noisy Bed Frame
You deserve to get that sound sleep you’ve been looking forward to throughout the day. Here are some of our best tips and tricks on preventing your bed frame from making any more unnecessary noise.
Tighten the Joints
A number of bed frames are held together by joints.
By joints, we mean the parts of the bed frame that are held together by screws or other types of hardware. These can often come loose, especially if you constructed your bed frame a couple of years ago. Naturally, these loose joints could be the culprit of all this squeakiness.
Grab yourself a wrench or a screwdriver and tighten the joints on the bed frame. If you cannot get a tighter fit with a screwdriver or a wrench, you can try adding plastic washers, which may make the job easier.
Once you’ve finished this, hop on your comfy bed and test it out! If there is still excessive noise, consider one of these other tips.
Is the Floor Level?
This is less of an issue with the bed frame itself and more of a problem with bed placement. If the bed frame is standing above an area where the floor isn’t level, this could easily be a cause of the noise.
One half of the bed could be higher than the other due to an unlevel floor. As a result, any shifts and movements can cause the bed frame to move, creating that slight squeaking sound.
To check if your floor is nice and even, grab a carpenter’s level. This tool should determine whether or not the floor is on any sort of slant.
If you don’t have a carpenter’s level, you can check the slant of your floor by using a straight beam. Place the beam on the floor and check for any gaps beneath it. If there are any gaps present, the floor is not level.
If you find that your floor isn’t level, there are a few solutions you can try. First, try and place some items under the legs of the bed frame to even things out. These could be as simple as a shirt, sock, or anything else that might even out those legs.
You could also reposition your bed so that it sits in an ideal position within the room — one that seems to be at least a little more level than where it was previously placed.
If your floors are level and there is still a squeaking noise coming from the bed frame, don’t give up — try these other tips instead.
Lubricate the Joints
This tip applies to bed frames that are made of metal.
Lubricating the joints on your bed could eliminate your problem if tightening was not as effective as you hoped it would be. The joints holding the wood together could be creating the noise.
Lubricating the joints of your bed frame will help to reduce any squeakiness because it works to prevent aggressive friction that causes the noise in the first place.
To lubricate the joints, you can get something as simple as WD-40 and apply it to any areas that you think are giving you trouble in terms of noise. You can also use beeswax or candle wax if you’re looking for a gentle, wood-friendly alternative that you might have in your home.
If this solution does not work, the looseness and friction of various parts connected to the bed frame may not be your problem.
Place a Rug Beneath the Bed
Sometimes, the squeaky noise coming from your bed frame could be caused by something as simple as the friction between it and the floor. If the bed frame is sitting flat on a wooden floor with nothing between it and the ground, movement on the bed is what can cause this irritating noise.
A simple and fun way to fix this issue is to get a modern rug that elevates your home decor. Placing a rug beneath the bed frame won’t just elevate the look of your bedroom — it will also keep your bed frame from being any more vocal than it already has been.
This soft layer protecting it from the hard ground will significantly reduce the noise coming from the frame, especially if a floor that is not level was your initial problem.
Cushion the Box Spring or Mattress
Sometimes, the source of friction could be coming from the box spring rubbing up against the top edges of the bed frame. The wooden edges of a boxspring could be grating against the wood of the frame, which is bound to make noise.
A simple way to alleviate this issue is to, once again, add some additional padding to these areas. For instance, take a shirt, cloth, or any other sort of soft material, and place it between each corner of the mattress and bed frame.
This step should help to reduce any friction between these areas, which in turn, will eliminate the noise coming from these areas as well.
When All Else Fails, Purchase a New Bed Frame
If you have tried all of these options already, and nothing seems to be working, it may be time to look for a new bed frame. This may come as a disappointment, but if nothing else works, it’s your best option for getting rid of that incessant squeaking.
Sometimes, your bed has reached the end of its lifespan and is letting you know it’s time for a replacement. That constant squeaky could be an indicator that your current frame is on its last legs.
You can always explore all of the steps listed above before investing in a new bed frame. However, sometimes you want to upgrade — and we’re here if that’s the case. We have quality bed frames that are guaranteed to last, as well as bedding and more.
Wrapping Up
Unfortunately, there’s often more than one possible reason why your bed frame is squeaking so much.
The list of possible causes can range anywhere from loose legs to an uneven floor to a product that is just too old. Whatever it could be, the squeaky noise is bound to cause some discomfort. Luckily, there are myriad ways to fix this issue.
Before you get rid of your current bed frame, try all of the steps above first. You can tighten any joints and legs that seem to have come loose over the years, check if your floor is level, lubricate certain areas of the frame, and place stabilizing elements below the bed frame to create a more level surface.
These solutions should leave a noise-free bed frame that helps you get a good night’s sleep throughout the week. However, if you can’t solve the problem with these quick fixes, visit our shop and explore our wide range of high-quality bed frames.
Tossing and Turning at Night: Causes and Prevention | Healthline