Bedding Retailer eLuxurySupply is now eLuxury

We are pleased to announce that eLuxurySupply.com has acquired eLuxury.com which, effective immediately, will be the URL address and name used for all of our applicable e-commerce business.
Now that eLuxurySupply is now eLuxury, we are excited to use this new name to continue to grow our Veteran-owned bedding and home goods business based in Evansville, IN. We are manufacturing our own lines of made in the USA mattress pads, mattresses, platform beds, mattress toppers, and more.
Previously owned by Louis Vuitton, we believe eLuxury represents a more concise and cohesive branded website domain while honoring the foundation built by our legacy business. The last several years have been exhilarating and we have been very fortunate.This acquisition, and subsequent rebranding, represents yet another milestone in our short but exciting history. Thank you all for being a very important part of this story!
To learn more about our history or our eLuxury bedding that includes sheets, mattress pads, comforters, platform beds, mattresses, pillows, and more, go to eLuxury.com Below is our "WHO WE ARE" video that will tell you all about eLuxury!