Behind the Scenes: Customer Service

Ahhh....A Day in the Life. Not only one of the finest songs by a certain Liverpool-based musical group, it's also our new feature here on the eLuxurySupply Blog. This is Brett, eLuxurySupply Customer Service Manager, and I'm here to tell you a bit about a day in the life of myself and the eLuxury Customer Service Department.
Brett makes dreams come true Well, to begin, this morning I woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head. Alright, alright, that's the last Beatles reference...for now. In the Customer Service Department, we are not only handling the customer service for our website, eLuxury.com, but for multiple online E-commerce marketplaces on which we also sell our products. And we are no longer limited to the United States, as we are now a worldwide company selling to nearly every country on Earth, so managing all of that keeps this man quite busy. When I'm 64, I can't wait to look back at how we were trying to do all of this work and carry that weight with such a small team, but every happy customer makes it worth it.
Up until quite recently, we were attempting to do this with a very, very small team. As in, just me all by my lonesome. But as the company has grown in size, so has our department.
We now have a 5 person Customer Service team consisting of myself, Kathy, Rachel, Eric, and Michael and we are working very hard daily to take care of our customers no matter what the issue or obstacle.
In an E-commerce Customer Service model, there are so many different ways in which the customers can reach us for help learning more about products, placing orders, tracking packages, and setting up and processing returns along with hundreds of other questions, comments and all around communication.
We look at our purpose quite simply: Without our customers, we don't have a job to go to, so let's do whatever is necessary, reasonable or unreasonable, to get our customers taken care of 100% of the time, 8 Days a Week. Because that's why we're here, ladies and gentlemen.
We've come a long, long, long way from our one phone line and one customer service rep. The front line for reaching our Customer Service Team is the old fashioned and still most effective way: The Telephone. Our Call Center can be reached any time, day or night, and we are there to help our customers in any way possible. If you call us on a Wednesday at 3:00am, someone will be on the other end of the phone to let myself or someone know what your issue is and we will get back with you first thing in the morning.
We also have our online chat that runs from 7:30am-5:00pm CST in which all of our CS Reps come together to help anyone who is shopping on the site, or who has a question about any of the hundreds of bedding products that we offer. That way the customer can be free as a bird to ask any question at all! We can also be reached 24 hours a day via our "Service" email, service@eluxury.com. If you have something that you want to return, are wondering about a tracking number, or are trying to decide which thread count or pillow to go with, we will respond shortly thereafter. No matter what the problem, we can work it out for you.
Eric and Michael make happy customers! I help separate out all of the chats, phone calls, emails and all of the other communication and delegate it out amongst the team to make sure we get back to everyone as quickly as possible. I also try to keep our entire team up on the day to day changes in our products, stock and any shipping issues that come about during the day and week.
A large part of the day to day with newer employees is making sure that they are up with all of the knowledge about newer products so we can best answer any questions that come up. There is a lot of mis-information on the Internet about Egyptian Cotton linens, so we want to make sure that in spite of all the danger out there, every customer can be confident that they are receiving expert advice on their linen purchases. We have a real love of luxury linens and we're always glad to share our knowledge with you!
So, give us a call at any point and we can help get you the right product to give yourself the golden slumbers that you deserve. Until next time, goo goo g'joob.