6 Spring Activities
Let’s face it. This winter sucked. With the late surge of winter weather, it was hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel but I believe it’s safe to say spring has officially arrived. And with that, many people are coming out of their winter hibernation mode and moving into summer mode. For some this may mean spring cleaning, or planting a garden. For others that might mean softball leagues start or walking the dog without a giant parka. Whatever spring is to you, here are 6 fresh activities to start of your spring.
1. Plant a Garden
Nothing tastes better than a fresh vegetable homegrown vegetable. So why not plant your own? Gardening can be as small and simple or as large and complex as you want to make it. If you have limited space, container gardening is a simple yet effective method. If you have the space and in ground or raised box garden will provide you with the space to plant a variety of plants to suit your tastes. Either way you will be rewarded the minute you bite into the first vegetable that you worked hard to grow.
2. Exercise
Whether it be taking a stroll in the park, playing a pickup game of basketball with your buddies or riding your bike. This isn’t the time of year to be a couch potato. Get outside and enjoy the nice weather and improve yourself at the same time.
3. Cook out
It’s time to brush the dust off your spatula, get the friends and family together and fire up the grill. With the temperatures a bit milder, the mosquitoes not out in full force yet and a fresh slate of green grass, there is no better time for a cookout.
4. Go Fishing
Spring is an excellent time for fishing. The best thing about fishing is there is a large number of public accessible fisheries throughout America. You don’t need a 3 acre lake in your back yard to fish, just a fishing pole, bait and the proper license. This is a great activity for all ages. Just make sure you check your local laws and regulation.
5. Head to the beach (if weather permits)
Funny thing about beaches is you don’t have to get in the water to enjoy them. That said, they can make them the perfect spring get away. The calming sound of the water paired with a light breeze and sunshine and you have a recipe for relaxation. Just don’t forget your beach towel. At eLuxurySupply we carry a wide array of beach towels to suit your needs.
6. Have a picnic
This could mean heading to your local state park or grabbing the picnic basket and going for a hike into the woods. Either way, make it an adventure and have fun. Nothing shakes off the winter bug like a meal enjoyed to the sound of chirping birds and barking squirrels.
The moral of the story is no matter what you choose to do, simply get outside and do something. Spring is one of the most beautiful times of year across the world so enjoy it while it’s here because before too long well be in the dog days of summer wishing for spring!