Loft and Fill: Winter is Coming...

And there is no way around it - you need a great comforter. Unless you're one of the lucky few that live in a sub-tropical climate, you're going to have to deal with freezing temperatures and snow. With winter, though, comes that feeling. You know the feeling.
Waking up on a Saturday morning, covers pulled around you, warm and cozy in your bed. You don't want to get out. You're protected from the harsh cold of your room by your thick down comforter (or down alternative for those with allergies). Loft and fill power is how you achieve this marvelous state of bliss. What is loft and fill power? Let us explain…
Fill Power and Down Comforters - Know Your Numbers
When it comes down to it, fill power and loft are the same thing. Loft is defined as the thickness or fullness of a stuffed object. In our case, we are talking about bedding. Fill power is a way of measuring the loft of a piece of bedding. So, how is fill power measured? What does it really mean? How does it affect your sleep? What’s the big deal?
Fill power is the measurement of the amount of down that can fit in one ounce. You might be thinking, “I thought down was down? What other kinds of down are there?” While there can be different types of down from different birds; they all act the same. The difference comes from the strands that come off of the single cluster of down. The longer the strands, the more dense and heavy the down will be. Vice versa, the shorter the strands, the shorter and lighter the down will be. Traditional measurements of down are done in glass cylinders that hold quite a bit of down. The down is then dumped into the cylinder and left to settle. Once the down is at a resting state, the tester will place a special weight on top of the down. The fill power is then determined by how long it takes the down to compress, under the weight, down to an ounce. Lower fill powers, usually a base of 600 fill power, takes the shortest amount of time (usually around one minute thirty seconds). Higher fill powers, usually a max of 800 fill power, takes around two to three minutes.
Now that you are educated in difficult topic of fill power and loft, how do you prepare for winter? We have two great products in mind to keep you warm this winter. In the spirit of fill power, our Hotel Style White Goose Down Comforter by ExceptionalSheets is one of the warmest and well-constructed comforters we carry! The comforters has a 230 thread count 100% cotton cover with baffle box construction so the 600 fill power down will not move around inside the comforter. Many of our Canadian customers love this comforter and buy it for the harsh winters.
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